Simon van der Velde

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KH value in ponds: why testing only distracts you

KH value pond carbonate hardness pond water testing

Discover why monitoring your pond's carbonate hardness is often unnecessary with the right insights.

KH value: the invisible hero of your pond balance

In the world of ponds, much revolves around GH and pH, but after 35 years in the business, I have discovered a crucial truth: the invisible force is the KH value, or Carbonate Hardness. Many people ask, "What is a good KH value?" and "Which is more important, GH or KH?". Here's the answer: an ideal KH value is between 6-10 DH. But the magic is not the number itself, it's about bringing the pond into natural balance. KH is the key to stabilizing your pH, which is crucial to the well-being of life in your pond. As carbon dioxide levels increase, KH adjusts quickly. So in the question "GH or KH?", I would say both are important, but the underrated superpower is definitely KH.

Simon van der Velde

Tips, advice and substantial savings

I would like to share my experience with you, and advise you to solve any pond problems and reduce pond maintenance. As a result, you can easily save hundreds of dollars.

Understanding and treating: KH value aquarium and pond

"What to do when KH is too high?" This is a common question, and the answer does not lie in commercial remedies such as KH+. These solutions address the symptoms, not the cause. Striving for that ideal KH value is important, but don't get obsessed with numbers. Obsessively measuring water values can be misleading. Instead, I recommend a holistic approach to pond care: proper design, adequate oxygen plants, the right bacteria, and a quality substrate. This approach will keep your KH naturally balanced, save you money, and create a healthy, vibrant pond.

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Simon van der Velde

Simon van der Velde

Pond specialist and aquatic plant grower since 1986

My vision is to let nature do its work in your pond. You don't need to buy all kinds of measuring equipment and water improvers. If the fish are swimming nicely and the plants are growing well, you know the water is of good quality. With a good planting plan and the right approach, you can save both money and maintenance and ensure a clear, biologically balanced pond that only gets more beautiful each year.

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