aquatic plants

water soldier

water soldier (Aloides Stratiotes) is a unique, hardy oxygen plant that floats on the water surface and clears and prevents algae.

water soldier - 6 pieces - Stratiotes Aloides

- Floating oxygen plant
- Full grown height: 20 cm
- Placement: loose in the water


In stock

water soldier - 12 pieces - Stratiotes Aloides

- Floating oxygen plant
- Full grown height: 20 cm
- Placement: loose in the water

Original price was: 60.00.Current price is: 49.95.

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water soldier - 6 pieces + 5 Oxygenating Moss Balls against Algae

- Oxygen plant
- Full grown height: 20 cm
- Placement: loose in the water

Original price was: 50.00.Current price is: 39.95.

In stock

water soldier - 60 pieces - Stratiotes Aloides

- Floating oxygen plant
- Full grown height: 20 cm
- Placement: loose in the water

Original price was: 300.00.Current price is: 199.95.

In stock

water soldier - 12 pieces + 5 Liter hornwort and 5 Oxygenating Moss Balls against Algae

- For 500 - 1,250 liters of water
- 22 Oxygen Plants
- Placement: loose in the water

Original price was: 140.00.Current price is: 94.95.

In stock

Frequently Asked Questions

Pond Advice

It is true that water soldier does not float immediately, the plant must first find its way into the pond.


Once it gets colder, water soldier will shed its leaves and only the green growth core remains. As a result, the plant sinks to the bottom of the pond to get through the cold fall and winter months.


Despite being at the bottom of the pond, the plant continues to release oxygen to the water, keeping the water clear. In the spring, water soldier will naturally return to the surface of the water, where it will float, grow and bloom again.

In spring, once the growing and flowering season begins again, your water soldier will green up again, continue to grow and bloom. Then you will also be able to see the beautiful little white flowers appear from time to time. It is quite normal for the plant to be less active during the colder months, but it will come back to life as soon as the temperatures rise. Patience, and you will soon be able to enjoy the flowers!

Thanks for your question! It is quite normal for water soldier to float upside down at first. The plant still needs some time to find its way around the pond. Once the sun starts shining, the water soldier will naturally turn over, with the top facing the light and warmth of the sun. This is a natural process, and with a little time, the plant will settle well in the pond.

It is quite normal for water soldier to fall apart in winter. This is the plant's way of preparing for winter. water soldier sheds its leaves, leaving only the green growth core. The plant then sinks to the bottom of the pond to spend the winter there. In spring, the plant resurfaces, then begins to grow and bloom again. This process is a natural cycle and not a sign that the plant is dying.

It is not a big deal that the water soldier has broken off stems. We leave these torn leaves on purpose to protect the growth core of the plant during transport. water soldier is a very strong and fast-growing plant, and within a few weeks the plant will replace the torn leaves with new, fresh leaves. So no need to worry, the plant will recover quickly!

No, water soldier is not suitable for mini ponds. The plant needs more space and a deeper pond to grow properly. In a small pond, space is limited and the plant cannot go into hibernation, which will cause water soldier to break down and not be able to grow and bloom again in the spring. So for ponds from 10 to 400 gallons, water soldier is not suitable, but in larger ponds the plant can develop well.

water soldier is one of the best suited oxygen plants for a koi pond. The plant has a sturdy structure and pointed spines on its leaves, making it less attractive for koi to nibble on. This offers the plant some protection from curious fish. However, keep in mind that koi, despite these features, can still destroy plants.

water soldier (Stratiotes Aloides)

water soldier is a popular pond plant that floats on the pond's water surface. The oxygen plant is a great addition to almost any pond and is often chosen for its low maintenance properties and vibrant leaves. water soldier is a strong and hardy plant that releases oxygen to the water keeping your pond and the life in it healthy. It is a great oxygen plant that totally brightens up your pond. In addition, the oxygen plant protects the pond water from warming up which prevents algae.

What is water soldier doing in my pond?

water soldier, also known as "water soldiers," play a crucial role in purifying pond water. They are able to filter phosphates and nitrates from the water, contributing to a healthy pond. By blocking excessive sunlight, it also prevents the growth of algae. In addition, the plant helps stabilize water values such as GH value, PH value and KH value.

How fast does water soldier grow?

Crab shrubs are fast-growing pond plants that grow fastest with warm temperatures. During the winter months, the plant's growth stops and they go into dormancy. The plant can grow up to 50 inches in diameter. The plant continues to grow annually and becomes more beautiful with time.

How do I plant crabgrass in the pond?

Crabweed is a floating oxygen plant and can simply be laid down on the surface of the water. The plant will then float and continue to grow this way.

Where to buy Crabber?

Buy crabweed at Every aquatic plant comes directly from our own aquatic plant nursery. We package the crabweed so that it arrives beautiful and healthy to you. Moreover, with us you get a 100% growth and flowering guarantee.

Crabgrass plants & fish

water soldier generally goes well with fish, provided there are enough oxygen plants in the pond. Koi's are known to demolish any aquatic plant, they are less likely to do this with water soldier because this aquatic plant takes up little space due to its floating properties and is not attractive to nibble on due to the hard tips on the leaves. There is always the risk that crabgrass can be eaten by pond fish, but the likelihood is less.
Wild crabweed

Crab beds (Stratiotes aloides)

is an interesting and striking aquatic plant found mainly in the temperate regions of Europe. In the wild, as in the pond, crabgrass has:

Float: In spring and summer, crabgrass floats with its rosette of sharp leaves just below or on the surface of the water. This helps collect sunlight for photosynthesis.
Sinking behavior: By winter, the plant sinks to the bottom of the water to facilitate overwintering and rises to the surface again the following spring.
Relationship to algae: Crabweed can help limit the growth of algae by competing for nutrients in the water.

Appearance water soldier

The water soldier exhibits a striking appearance, inspired by its crab-like shape with long, pointed leaves that fan out gracefully from the center of the plant. These leaves are subtly toothed and, as a result, can be prickly to the touch. They envelop themselves in a fresh light green hue. Centrally, in the heart of the plant, elegant white blossoms flaunt a hint of yellow. Majestically, the plant rises some 20 centimeters above the water.

water soldier floats upside down or sinks to the bottom

water soldier may indeed float upside down or sink to the bottom. You see this especially in new ponds or in ponds with few nutrients. They get their nutrition from the bottom and once they have absorbed enough nutrients and become stronger, they will return to the surface. This behavior is normal, especially for young crab rays. Under the influence of sunlight, they will adapt and float upright within a few days. So don't worry. Moreover, crab shoals enter a rest period in the fall, which may also explain why they sink to the bottom.

Crab feather pond

Crabweed is a valuable aquatic plant for ponds, characterized by its long, narrow leaves that resemble crab legs. This plant floats on the water surface and helps improve water quality by absorbing excess nutrients and controlling algae. In addition, crabgrass provides hiding places for pond inhabitants such as fish and insect larvae, and it contributes to a balanced pond ecosystem. It is a valuable addition for pond enthusiasts who strive for clear and healthy water.

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