Pond Shop

pond bacteria

Natural koi pond with plant filter
Bacta Clear for a clear pond
vdvelde oxygen plant category


The best bacteria to start up the pond, clean up bottom silt, boost your plants and prevent algae growth.


- For 1,000 to 20,000 L
- 100% eco: clear water fast
- Safe for humans, plants & animals


In stock

BACTA CLEAR - 3 pieces

- 1 bottle for 1,000 to 20,000 L
- 100% eco: clear water fast
- Safe for humans, plants & animals

Original price was: 90.00.Current price is: 79.95.

In stock

BACTA CLEAR - 12 pieces

- pond bacteria for 1,000 to 20,000 L
- 100% eco: clear water fast
- Safe for humans, plants & animals

Original price was: 360.00.Current price is: 299.95.

In stock

Pond Care Package - M - 1,000 - 10,000 L

- For 1,000 - 10,000 L
- Cleans up pond silt and waste materials
- Placement: -1 to -100 cm

Original price was: 75.00.Current price is: 69.95.

In stock

Pond Care Package - L - 10,000 - 20,000 L

- For 10,000 - 20,000 L
- Cleans up pond silt and waste materials
- Placement: -1 to -100 cm

Original price was: 110.00.Current price is: 94.95.

In stock

BACTA CLEAR - 6 pieces

- 1 bottle for 1,000 to 20,000 L
- 100% eco: clear water fast
- Safe for humans, plants & animals

Original price was: 180.00.Current price is: 159.95.

In stock

Pond Care Package - XL - 20,000 - 40,000 L

- For 20,000 - 40,000 L
- Cleans up pond silt and waste materials
- Placement: -1 to -100 cm

Original price was: 220.00.Current price is: 209.95.

In stock

Simon van der Velde

Keeping it simple is what it's all about. The world of pond care seemed like a jungle, full of different products - half with an "A," half with a "B," and then those special varieties for koi- or swimming ponds. Too complicated, I thought. That's why I am proud to introduce: BACTA CLEAR.


Why lose yourself in a maze of products when one hero can suffice? BACTA CLEAR is your all-in-one solution. It not only starts up your pond, but also cleans bottom sludge, gives your plants exactly what they need and keeps both suspended and filamentous algae at bay. And that's not all. BACTA CLEAR goes further by efficiently breaking down excess fish food, feces, decaying leaves and dead algae, making your pond a model of biological balance.


Thanks to a carefully selected blend of multiple bacterial strains, BACTA CLEAR ensures crystal clear water and keeps algae growth firmly in check. It is completely eco-friendly and safe for humans, plants and animals. Simply put, with BACTA CLEAR you get peace back into your garden and into your life.

Simon van der VeldePond specialist and aquatic plant breeder

The best pond bacteria for the pond: BACTA CLEAR

In a pond, nitrifying bacteria are important. These bacteria help convert waste products into CO2. This is necessary for the growth of the oxygen plants, which need CO2 to grow. BACTA CLEAR contains not 1 but 2 stemmed bacteria that both ensure clear water and prevent algae growth. In addition, BACTA CLEAR is 100% eco and not harmful to humans, plants and animals.

Benefits of bacteria in the pond

- 124 plants + bacteria
  • Ensure maintenance of clear water;
  • They help prevent algae growth;
  • Learn what steps must be met to successfully set up a pond
  • The bacteria combine excellently with pond substrate because they adhere to it;
  • They convert oxygen into carbon dioxide (CO2) so that oxygen plants grow better;
  • The microorganisms are environmentally friendly;
  • pond bacteria contribute to improved water quality.

What are pond bacteria?

pond bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that act as a natural filtering system in water. They convert pollutants such as ammonium and nitrite into substances that are harmless to nature. Adding a good quality pond bacteria also prevents algae growth in the water and reduces organic silt on the pond floor. Sounds good, right?

plant & animal

pond bacteria against algae

To keep the pond clean and clear, it is best to use BACTA CLEAR , a mixture of bacteria and enzymes developed by Simon. The product helps break down the residue, known as sludge, that forms at the bottom of the pond due to excess fish food, trash, rotting leaves and dead algae. The recommended dosage is 1 liter BACTA CLEAR for every 1,000 to 20,000 liters of pond water, and it is safe for humans, animals and plants. It is important to note that using the right mixture of bacteria will also help remove all waste, keeping the water clean and clear.

- Safe for human

How often to add pond bacteria ?

It is recommended to add pond bacteria twice a year; once in the spring to start up the pond, or after pond construction and once in the fall to help the pond get through the winter. This helps the biological filter work properly and gives the oxygen plants an extra boost in the spring. It is recommended to add additional pond substrate at the same time in the spring, this will help pond plants grow better.

The usefulness of pond substrate combined with pond bacteria

The combination of pond bacteria and substrate is an important part of maintaining a healthy pond. Bacteria break down waste products and convert them into useful substances for plants. The substrate acts as a growth and reproductive surface for the bacteria, increases efficiency in waste treatment and limits unwanted algae growth. The substrate also serves as a natural filter and can lead to richer biodiversity in the pond.

Frequently asked questions about pond bacteria

Pond Advice

The best bacteria for the pond are those found in BACTA CLEAR. This product contains natural bacteria that are completely safe for humans, animals and plants.

BACTA CLEAR Combines two effective bacterial strains in one formula, so you don't have to experiment with different products that are often not natural.

Two treatments a year will keep your pond clear and balanced, provided the pond is set up properly.

Want to check if your pond is set up properly? Then easily do our online pond check for a healthy and clear pond all year round: Do the Pond Check.

To maintain the natural habitat of a pond, it is essential to add pond bacteria to the pond water twice a year. These microorganisms play a crucial role in breaking down organic matter and promoting a healthy biological balance in the water.

It is recommended to add bacteria in the spring, as soon as the water temperature rises above 12°C. This is the time when the bacteria begin to work actively and support the pond's natural ecosystem. Moreover, early spring is the ideal time because the pond is coming back to life after winter and the water needs to restore itself.

Two treatments a year will keep your pond clear and balanced, provided the pond is set up properly.

Want to check if your pond is set up properly? Then easily do our online pond check for a healthy and clear pond all year round: Do the Pond Check.

One bottle BACTA CLEAR contains 1 liter and is suitable for ponds from 1,000 to 20,000 liters.

Do you have a smaller pond from 10 to 1,000 liters? Then BACTA TAB is the ideal alternative to BACTA CLEAR. This product is specially designed for smaller ponds and offers the same effective formula as BACTA CLEAR, but in tablet form.

Our bacteria are 100% natural so they cannot be overdosed, in addition they are 100% safe for humans, plants and animals.

Our pond bacteria are a valuable tool for balancing your pond. These bacteria need at least 10 days to settle in properly and do their job. During this time they begin their important job of promoting healthy water quality and reducing algae.

However, it is important to realize that bacteria alone are not enough to solve all the problems in your pond. If the pond is not set up properly, algae may still occur. A layer of 5 to 10 cm of porous substrate on the pond floor is essential. In addition, sufficient aquatic plants should be present, such as marsh plants, oxygen plants and water lilies. These allow the bacteria to do their job optimally and help reduce the green color of the water and algae.

A good balance between these elements is crucial for a healthy pond. Each aspect reinforces the other, and only by using them together can you achieve the desired results. You can read exactly how to do this step by step on our pond check page: pond check.

If you have a UV lamp in your pond, we recommend turning it off after you add pond bacteria because the UV lamp can kill bacteria. As long as you use pond bacteria , you can leave the UV lamp turned off. A well-designed pond will keep your pond naturally clear and healthy year-round.

To keep your pond naturally balanced, it is important to have a layer of substrate on the bottom and plenty of oxygen plants, marsh plants and water lilies . In addition, add bacteria twice a year. This will keep your pond in top condition, without the need for the UV lamp anymore.

Want to learn step-by-step how to set up your pond so that a UV lamp is unnecessary? Do our pond check.

It is best to add pond bacteria as soon as the temperature has been above 10 degrees for several days. We recommend adding bacteria at least twice a year, in the spring and fall, to best support their action.

However, it is important to realize that while bacteria are a useful tool, bacteria alone are not enough to solve all the problems in your pond. In fact, if the pond is not set up properly, algae can easily return.

A layer of 5 to 10 cm of porous pond substrate on the pond floor is essential. In addition, sufficient aquatic plants must be present, such as marsh plants, oxygen plants and water lilies. These ensure that the bacteria can do their work optimally and that pond problems will stay away year-round.

A good balance between these elements is crucial for a healthy pond. Each aspect reinforces the other and only by using them together can you achieve the desired results. How exactly to do this, you can read step by step on our pond check page: Do the pond check.

Nitrifying bacteria, also called pond bacteria , attach to the pond substrate and to the roots of aquatic plants. They help convert pollutants such as nitrite and nitrate into CO2, which is essential for oxygen plant growth. Without CO2, oxygen plants can suffocate. Adding pond bacteria regularly and having enough oxygen plants in your pond keeps these elements in balance and keeps the water clear.

pond bacteria can be used in both the swim pond and the plant filter, but they work most effectively in the plant filter. In the plant filter, the bacteria can establish themselves well and work with the pond substrate and plants to efficiently break down waste products and maintain healthy water quality. This ensures that the water flowing into the swimming area is already largely filtered and clean.

In addition to adding pond bacteria to the plant filter twice a year, it is important that the plant filter is set up correctly. So with a layer of 15 - 20 cm pond substrate on the bottom and marsh and oxygen plants in the water.

Make sure your plant filter is set up correctly by using our plant filter check.

In the spring, bacteria help get the pond going after winter and support a healthy biological balance. In the fall, they help break down organic waste before winter sets in, contributing to a healthy start to the next season.

However, it is important to realize that while bacteria are a useful tool, bacteria alone are not enough to solve all the problems in your pond. In fact, if the pond is not set up properly, algae can easily return.

A layer of 5 to 10 cm of porous pond substrate on the pond floor is essential. In addition, sufficient aquatic plants must be present, such as marsh plants, oxygen plants and water lilies. These ensure that the bacteria can do their work optimally and that pond problems will stay away year-round.

A good balance between these elements is crucial for a healthy pond. Each aspect reinforces the other and only by using them together can you achieve the desired results. How exactly to do this, you can read step by step on our pond check page: Do the pond check.

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Bacteria in a koi pond

Never mind those expensive water tests. The real powerhouses in your koi pond are the bacteria that break down waste products and keep everything nicely balanced. BACTA CLEAR gives this natural cleaning crew a big boost, keeping your pond clear and healthy. No more hassle, just top results. And forget all those chemicals; BACTA CLEAR ensures crisp clear water and happy fish, pure nature. Ideal for anyone who wants to keep it simple and effective.

Bacteria in a swimming pond

Your swimming pond deserves only the best, too. With BACTA CLEAR , you support the crucial bacteria that fight algae and pollution, keeping your water naturally clean and beautiful. So say goodbye to that chemical junk and hello to pure beauty. And with BACTA CLEAR you can be sure you're safe; our product is completely free of harmful substances, perfect for humans, plants and animals. A carefree, healthy pond, we guarantee.

BACTA CLEAR pond bacteria apply in spring

Start the season strong with a dose of BACTA CLEAR. It gives your plants that little extra and keeps algae at bay, all without the constant testing of your water parameters. Save yourself time and money and watch your pond flourish.

BACTA CLEAR apply in the autumn

Winterize your pond with BACTA CLEAR in the fall. It strengthens your plants and helps clean up the bottom silt, keeping your pond healthy even when the mercury drops. Good preparation now means a worry-free start next spring. With BACTA CLEAR , you don't have to keep pulling out your wallet for expensive tests and chemicals. Treating twice a year is all you need to keep your pond in the best condition all year round. It doesn't get any simpler or more efficient!

Lactic acid bacteria

Although lactic acid bacteria is known for introducing lactic acid microbes that are effective for prevention and recovery in bacterial and parasitic fungal diseases, there are some limitations and drawbacks to its use. Although it can contribute to a strong natural defense system at Koi, there are better and more versatile options available.

The limitations of lactic acid bacteria

  • Specific Applications: Lactic acid bacteria is primarily aimed at treating bacterial and parasitic fungal diseases, making it less versatile for general pond maintenance.
  • Repeated use: For a lasting effect, the lactic acid bacteria must be added regularly, which involves extra work and cost.
  • Precise dosing: The product requires precise dosing and repeated administrations, which can be cumbersome for pond owners.

Why switch to BACTA CLEAR?

BACTA CLEAR outperforms lactic acid bacteria in several areas and offers a more versatile and powerful pond maintenance solution:

  • Comprehensive action: BACTA CLEAR goes beyond disease prevention. It actively manages algae growth and efficiently breaks down organic waste, ensuring a healthier pond environment.
  • Ease of use: BACTA CLEAR does not require complicated dosing schedules or restrictions on adding other bacteria, significantly increasing ease of use.
  • Cost savings: The broad-spectrum action of BACTA CLEAR reduces the need for additional products and repeated applications, ultimately saving costs for pond owners.

Choose BACTA CLEAR for a clear and healthy pond

For pond owners looking for a comprehensive solution that is both environmentally friendly and effective, BACTA CLEAR offers the optimal choice. It combines water hardness management with active biological cleaning, making it a superior alternative for total pond management. With BACTA CLEAR , you enjoy a year-round clear and healthy pond without the complexities and limitations of other products such as lactic acid bacteria.

Sludge bacteria

Sludge bacteria are often used to break down organic material on the pond bottom to reduce sludge. While they can be effective in specific applications, there are some limitations and disadvantages to using sludge bacteria. Despite their advantages, better and more versatile options are available.

The limitations of sludge bacteria

Specific activity: Sludge bacteria focus primarily on breaking down sludge on the pond floor, which limits their range of application.
Repeated use: For lasting results, silt bacteria must be added regularly, which involves additional work and expense.
Limited impact: Sludge bacteria have a limited impact on overall water quality and algae management, which means additional products may be needed.

Why switch to BACTA CLEAR?

BACTA CLEAR outperforms silt bacteria in several areas and offers a more versatile and powerful pond maintenance solution:

  • Comprehensive action: BACTA CLEAR goes beyond simply controlling pond bottom sludge. It actively manages algae growth, efficiently breaks down organic waste, and works throughout the pond, ensuring a healthier pond environment.
  • Ease of use: BACTA CLEAR does not require complicated dosing schedules or restrictions on adding other bacteria, significantly increasing ease of use.
  • Cost savings: The broad-spectrum action of BACTA CLEAR reduces the need for additional products and repeated applications, ultimately saving costs for pond owners.
  • Natural Balance: BACTA CLEAR promotes plant growth and naturally balances the pond, ensuring a clear and healthy pond all year round.
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