
Small pond

Do you dream of an attractive small pond in your garden and would like it without a pump or filter? With Simons pondcheck you easily set up your own small garden pond. Avoid mistakes and save at least €1000 with the expert Pond Advice Book. Order all essential aquatic plants and supplies easily via our webshop.

Simon van der Velde

Setting up a small pond

Discover everything for a self-regulating pond

Building a pond

Constructing a small pond

A basic step-by-step plan for building your own pond

Simon van der Velde

Thinking about a small pond? A mini pond or patio pond can make a world of difference to biodiversity. Every bit of nature counts.

Simon van der VeldePond specialist and aquatic plant breeder

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Small ponds inspiration and examples

Frequently asked questions about small ponds

Pond Advice

It is important to consider the size and placement of the pond when keeping fish in a small pond. A pond constantly exposed to sunlight can make the water too warm for the fish, reducing their chances of survival. During cold months, freezing temperatures can lead to a lack of oxygen for the fish, which can jeopardize their survival. Therefore, for smaller ponds, it is often advisable to refrain from keeping fish.

However, if you decide to keep fish in a smaller pond, choose species such as the common Goldfish, Goldfin or Shubunkin. Limit the number of fish to avoid overcrowding and disrupting the ecosystem. An overcrowded pond can lead to a need for supplemental feeding, which acidifies the water and prevents waste products from being cleaned up efficiently. This can upset the balance of the pond and lead to pollution. For healthy fish habitat, a smaller pond should have a minimum depth of 60-80 cm and a volume of about 500 liters.

Make sure your pond is set up correctly to keep fish healthy. Then go through the pond check, in which we explain step by step how to set up your pond optimally: pond check.

Yes, a small pond can do just fine without a pump or filter, as long as you take the right approach. By choosing a natural balance with enough aquatic plants and the right bacteria, the pond can keep itself clear and healthy without technical aids.

Want to make sure you're following the right steps? Then go through the pond check, in which we explain step by step how to set up your pond optimally so that it keeps itself clear and balanced naturally, without pumps, filters or chemicals: pond check.

When building a garden pond, it is essential that it has a depth of between 80 and 100 cm and a width of at least 120 cm, although wider is always better. This way you ensure that pond plants and aquatic animals have enough living space. In terms of location for your pond, it is ideal if it receives between four and six hours of sunlight daily. This is because excessive sunlight can lead to an increase in algae. When excavating the pond, make sure the deepest part is between 80 and 100 cm. In addition, make a shallower edge along the bank to have different depth zones. If this shallow area is about 20 cm deep, it is an excellent place for various aquatic plants. A gradually sloping bank also helps animals access the water. Once you're done digging, it's time to line the pond. To do this, use special pond liner that is easy to fold, especially in the trickier areas. After this step, you can begin decorating the pond.

One of the advantages of having a small pond in the garden is that it is relatively low maintenance. Start your pond with a layer of pond substrate of 8 to 10 cm and add beneficial pond bacteria , such as Bacta Clear, to keep the water clear. Combined with the right aquatic plants , these will create a biological balance in your small pond, making it virtually maintenance-free.

Check that your pond is set up correctly using our online pond check: pond check.

For a small pond, it's best to choose a combination of different aquatic plants that help balance the ecosystem. We offer complete pond kits that contain everything you need to balance your pond 100% naturally, and are available in a variety of colors.

Prefer the freedom to choose your own plants? Then go through the pond check, which explains step by step what you need to set up your pond optimally. This is how to keep your pond clear and balanced without the use of pumps, filters or chemicals: pond check.

For a small pond of 500 - 1,250 L, it is important to create a good balance from the beginning. Here three things are essential:
  1. A layer pond substrate on the soil for strong plant roots and the development of beneficial bacteria.
  2. Sufficient variety of aquatic plants for natural filtration and oxygenation.
  3. Adding bacteria to the water to support biological balance.

We offer complete pond kits for small ponds that contain everything you need to keep your pond balanced in a 100% natural way. These packages are available in 6 different colors, so you can choose one that fits your pond perfectly. Check out which package best suits your pond here: Complete Pond Packages 500 - 1,250 L.

Small pond

A pond is like a living work of art in your garden or on your balcony, in which birds, amphibians and various insects, such as dragonflies and butterflies, feel at home. When we talk about a "small pond," we refer to water features that hold less than 10,000 gallons of water. Whether you choose a mini pond on your balcony, a patio pond or a modest water feature in your garden, each of these options brings a natural dynamic.

Zinc tub pond

A zinc tub pond is a stylish and practical solution for creating a water feature in small gardens or on patios. Made of durable zinc, these ponds are not only sturdy but also have a modern, industrial look. They are easy to install and provide an ideal space for aquatic plants and small aquatic animals, adding a unique and vibrant element to any outdoor space.

Mini pond

A mini pond, a smaller version of the traditional garden pond, provides an attractive and efficient way for enthusiasts with limited space to still enjoy the beauty and calming effect of aquatic plants and water sounds. These compact water features can be created with ease, using pond tubs or flexible pond liner, and are perfect for cultivating smaller aquatic plants and attracting wildlife such as birds and insects. Adding a mini pond to your garden not only enriches the aesthetic aspect, but also supports local biodiversity, especially in urban settings.

Small pond with fish

In a small pond it is possible to keep fish. Species such as the common goldfish, goldfin or Shubunkin are suitable for this purpose. Choose only a few specimens to avoid overcrowding the pond. If too many fish live, you will have to supplemental feed. In that case, the water may become acidic and excrement will not be properly cleaned up by the ecosystem present. The pond is out of balance and will pollute.

aquatic plants especially for a small pond

The same pond plants can be planted in a small pond or mini pond as in a large pond. The only thing to consider is how many plants are placed in the mini pond container. Many people choose aquatic plants that get beautiful, colorful flowers when in bloom, as this will complete your small pond. To help you choose aquatic plants for the small one, I have put down some colorful mini pond plant sets for you below.

Small pond in garden

A pond brings life and can therefore be an attractive addition to your garden. Even a small pond attracts many animals such as birds, amphibians and insects like dragonflies and butterflies. We speak of a small pond when it contains less than 10,000 liters of water. This can be a patio or mini pond, but also a landscaped small pond in the garden. You can build a pond all year round, as long as it doesn't freeze. We would like to give you more tips on how to build and decorate a modest pond.

Garden pond small

Important for construction of a small pond is the location. A spot with between four and six hours of sunlight per day is suitable. Especially too much sun can turn out wrong, as it promotes algae growth. A small pond is at least -80 to -100 cm deep and 120 cm wide, so that plants and animals have enough space and the pond can function. Larger than 120 cm wide is only better.

When excavating the pond, the deepest point is -80 to -100 cm and it is advisable to make a shallower edge along the bank. This way you create zones. If you dig it down to about 20 cm deep, this is a perfect place to grow various aquatic plants . If you choose a gradually sloping bank edge, you will help animals that can access the water this way. Line the pond with special pond liner that folds well into corners and bends. Then the decorating of the pond can begin.

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