Simon van der Velde

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Kaffir lily, Schizostylis coccinea: striking, frost-prone fall bloomer

Kaffir lily Schizostylis coccinea

Kaffir lily, or Schizostylis coccinea, is a striking plant with graceful, star-shaped flowers and long stems.

Where does Kaffir lily grow?

Kaffir lily is native to South Africa but has spread to many parts of the world. This plant thrives in temperate climates and is particularly suited to moist, well-drained soil. It can often be found along the banks of ponds, in wet meadows and in garden borders where it receives adequate water. Kaffir lily prefers a sunny to semi-shaded spot.

Simon van der Velde

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Characteristics of Schizostylis coccinea

The Kaffir lily is notable for its long, graceful stems and striking, star-shaped flowers, which bloom in the fall. The flowers range in color from deep red to pink and sometimes white. The narrow, evergreen leaves offer a nice contrast to the bright flowers. Kaffir lilies can grow up to 60 cm tall and are a striking visual element in any garden.

The role of this plant in the garden

In the garden, the Kaffir lily not only offers aesthetic value, but also attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies. This increases biodiversity in the garden and helps pollinate other plants. The plant is also quite resistant to most pests and diseases, making it an ideal choice for both experienced and novice gardeners.

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Care and maintenance of Kaffir lily

Care of the Kaffir lily is relatively simple. The plant needs regular watering, especially during dry periods. A mulch layer can help maintain moisture. Although the plant is hardy, in colder climates it may require frost protection during the winter. Dividing or pruning annually helps promote healthy growth and keep the plant in shape.

Disadvantages of the Kaffir lily

Although the Kaffir lily has many advantages, there are some disadvantages worth considering:

  • Limited Flowering Period: The Kaffir lily blooms primarily in the fall, so there is less visual appeal outside this season.
  • Frost susceptibility: In colder climates, the plant can suffer frost damage and needs protection in winter.
  • Spreading potential: Although not extremely invasive, the plant can spread in favorable conditions, causing undesirable growth in some gardens.

Alternative plants

An alternative similar to the kaffir lily is the Iris. Irises come in many varieties, sizes and colors. Some varieties are similar in appearance to the Kaffir lily but have a longer flowering period. They are generally more hardy and can withstand "worse" conditions.


The Kaffir lily is a beautiful, low-maintenance plant that adds unique beauty to any garden. With its striking flowers and easy care, it is an excellent choice for gardeners who want to enhance their garden with a blooming, colorful plant. However, keep in mind the weaker sides of this plant as described above. With proper care and attention, the Kaffir lily can remain a radiant part of your garden for years to come. - Mini Pond Plant Set Hardy - Red - 1 Red Water Lily and 3 Flowering Water Plants - Includes Pond Basket

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Simon van der Velde

Simon van der Velde

Pond specialist and aquatic plant grower since 1986

My vision is to let nature do its work in your pond. You don't need to buy all kinds of measuring equipment and water improvers. If the fish are swimming nicely and the plants are growing well, you know the water is of good quality. With a good planting plan and the right approach, you can save both money and maintenance and ensure a clear, biologically balanced pond that only gets more beautiful each year.

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