Simon van der Velde

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pond weed: Potamogeton

pond weed

Glossy pond weed, Potamogeton, is an oxygenated aquatic plant native to the pondweed family.

Is pond weed eatable?

pond weed is generally not considered an edible plant for humans. While some aquatic plants and algae are indeed edible and nutritious, pond weed is not known as a plant traditionally harvested for food.

Simon van der Velde

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Is pond weed indigenous?

Purple-leaved pond weed (Potamogeton perfoliatus) is native to much of Europe, northwest Africa and the Middle East. In Sweden and Norway, purple-leaved pond weed is unfortunately considered extinct. This aquatic plant thrives in clear still or flowing waters and is sometimes found in lakes. It grows mainly on clayey, calcareous soil.

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How to plant shiny pond weed?

Glossy pond weed (Potamogeton lucens) is a submerged aquatic plant that grows primarily in freshwater. It is a fairly easy plant to plant and maintain in the right conditions. pond weed prefers sunny to semi-shaded locations. Choose a location in your pond or body of water where the plant gets plenty of light but is protected from overly strong currents. This plant does best when planted at a depth of between -40 cm and -110 cm, but up to a depth of up to -200 cm it will also do. Throw the oxygen plant loose in the pond and the plant will find its own way into the pond.

Where does pond weed grow?

Glossy pond weed (Potamogeton lucens) is a native aquatic plant found in freshwater bodies such as lakes, ponds, and slow-flowing rivers in many parts of Europe. It is a submerged plant with long, narrow, translucent, and glossy leaves that can grow quite rapidly under good conditions. The growth rate of glossy pond weed depends on a number of factors, including: the amount of sunlight the plant receives, amount of nutrients present in the pond water, and outdoor and water temperature. Like many other aquatic plants , shiny pond weed needs adequate light to grow properly. In clear water in which plenty of light penetrates, it can grow faster. In nutrient-rich water, especially in which there is sufficient nitrogen and phosphorus, shiny pond weed will grow faster. The growth of shiny pond weed is also affected by water temperature. In spring and summer, when the water is warmer, the plant will grow faster than in cooler months.

Alternative to pond weed: hornwort

Shiny pond weed is a useful oxygen plant with a soft structure, this makes that pond weed can decay faster. This makes pond weed require a lot of maintenance, for this reason people often still choose another alternative or supplement to pond weed: hornwort is a perfect alternative for this, hornwort is just like pond weed a loose oxygen plant that grows quickly. The difference is that hornwort has a firm and coarse structure which makes it strong and requires little to no maintenance.

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Simon van der Velde

Simon van der Velde

Pond specialist and aquatic plant grower since 1986

My vision is to let nature do its work in your pond. You don't need to buy all kinds of measuring equipment and water improvers. If the fish are swimming nicely and the plants are growing well, you know the water is of good quality. With a good planting plan and the right approach, you can save both money and maintenance and ensure a clear, biologically balanced pond that only gets more beautiful each year.

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