Simon van der Velde

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Frogspawn: The process from tadpole to frog

Frogspawn in your pond

Frogspawn is a clump of eggs from a frog that forms into tadpoles and then adult frogs within three months.

What is frogspawn?

Frogspawn are the eggs of frogs laid in clumps in shallow water. The eggs develop into tadpoles that feed on algae and plants. After about three months, they turn into adult frogs.

Simon van der Velde

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Which pond is suitable for tadpoles?

Amphibians, such as frogs and salamanders, prefer an environment similar to their natural habitat. This means that the water should have sufficient depth and hiding places, such as aquatic plants, floating plants and riparian vegetation. Lots of water movement by, for example, a powerful fountain will drive away amphibians. A natural pond with no filters and no pumps is most suitable. Also consider the pond fish in the pond. These will see the tadpoles as food. Preferably the pond is in a quiet place and partly in the sun, so that the cold-blooded animals can warm up. A sloping bank with shallow spots is ideal because the water warms up quickly here. The size of the pond is less important, because even in a small pond frogs and sometimes toads can appear. A larger pond with a surface area of several meters and a water depth of at least 80 cm is recommended for reproduction.

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How long does it take for tadpoles to become frogs?

The time it takes for tadpoles to completely change into frogs varies, depending on the species of frog and environmental conditions. In general, however, tadpoles go through a process called metamorphosis, in which they gradually change into adult frogs.
On average, the process from tadpole to frog takes about 12 weeks. However, this can vary depending on factors such as the species of frog, water temperature and food availability.
During metamorphosis, tadpoles undergo several physical changes. They develop legs, their tails begin to disappear and they undergo internal changes such as the development of lungs to allow them to breathe instead of breathing through gills.
It is important to note that not all tadpoles have the opportunity to become frogs. Many tadpoles are eaten by predators before they reach adulthood. The survival rate of tadpoles varies greatly depending on various environmental factors.

Frog with frogspawn in your pond

Can you release frogs into the pond?

No, frogs belong to a protected species, which means you are not allowed to catch, transport or trade them. So you are not allowed to put frogs into your pond from the wild. What you may do is release frogspawn (the frog's eggs) into your pond. The frogs that are born from this will your pond as their "home.

Tadpole care

It is most successful to first place tadpoles in a breeding tank or aquarium filled with ditch water. Once the tadpoles have hatched they must be fed. Tadpoles feed primarily on algae that occur naturally in the (fresh) ditch water. To ensure that the tadpoles get sufficient nutrition, you should regularly change the water in the breeding tank with fresh ditch water from the same ditch. In addition, you can feed small pieces of lettuce, endive or dandelion to the tadpoles as supplemental food. When the tadpoles grow legs, they also develop lungs. They have now transformed into amphibians. This means that in the breeding tank or aquarium there must also be a way for the frog to climb out of the water, otherwise the frog will drown. Consider, for example, a piece of wood, rock or cork that sticks out of the water. When the frogs are fully grown, after about seven weeks, they can be released into the pond.

What do tadpoles eat?

When the tadpoles are still small, you don't need to give them as much food, but as they get bigger, they need more. Slices of cucumber or pieces of tomato are a favorite food of tadpoles, while when they are almost frogs, they will eat flies.

What is the difference between frogspawn and toadspawn?

It is easy to distinguish between frogspawn and toadspawn. Frogspawn consists of hundreds of small jelly-like balls with black eggs inside, while toadspawn is a long translucent jelly-like string with numerous small black eggs inside. - Mini Pond Plant Set Hardy - Red - 1 Red Water Lily and 3 Flowering Water Plants - Includes Pond Basket

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Simon van der Velde

Simon van der Velde

Pond specialist and aquatic plant grower since 1986

My vision is to let nature do its work in your pond. You don't need to buy all kinds of measuring equipment and water improvers. If the fish are swimming nicely and the plants are growing well, you know the water is of good quality. With a good planting plan and the right approach, you can save both money and maintenance and ensure a clear, biologically balanced pond that only gets more beautiful each year.

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