Pond plants by zone

Pond plants zone 3: Shallow water

Pond zone 3 will be planted with aquatic plants, mini water lilies and oxygen plants.

aquatic plants Package Mix - XXL - 6,500 - 9,000 L

- 253 plants for 6,500 - 9,000 L
- Without filter bed substrate
- Placement: -1 to -100 cm

Original price was: 1,415.00.Current price is: 1,095.95.

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Small great reedmace - 2000 pieces - Typha angustifolia

- Green contractors and municipalities: we are your partner for riparian planting
- Delivery of large volumes of reed cuttings and plugs, up to 250,000 pieces
- Other native aquatic plants also available in bulk


In stock

Reed - 2000 pieces - Phragmites Australis

- Green contractors and municipalities: we are your partner for riparian planting
- Delivery of large volumes of reed cuttings and plugs, up to 250,000 pieces
- Other native aquatic plants also available in bulk


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Shallow water zone plants

Choose shallow water zone plants from our own organic aquatic plant nursery, with 100% growth and flowering guarantee. They naturally balance your pond, removing waste products and releasing oxygen, preventing algae and keeping the pond clear.

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