Pond 10,000+ gallons of water
We understand how challenging it is to plant your pond for the first time and transform it from an empty pool to a self-regulating, maintenance-free pond.
Having experienced this ourselves, we know how difficult it can be. Problems such as excessive algae formation, poorly growing plants, and bottom sludge are familiar to us.
With our complete pond packages, we are happy to help you avoid these problems.
P.S. Do you have a pond or water feature over 50,000 gallons? Get in touch with Simon for customized advice and work together on your dream pond.

Move the line to see the before/after result of a pond package.
By placing the right amount of plants in the pond, biological balance and clear pond water is easily achieved: PUUR NATURE, without a pond pump, filter or the use of water improvers.
Simon van der Velde
aquatic plants package
P.S. do you have a new pond with foil or a tank and no pond substrate on the bottom yet?
Then simply order online pond substrate along with it.
aquatic plants Package - XXXL - 7,500 - 12,500 L
- For 7,500 - 12,500 L
- 260 plants
- Placement: -1 to -100 cm
STEP ONE - pond substrate - 40 liters
- 40 L covers 1 m² ↥ 5 cm
- Heavy duty quality for the best filtration
- Extra porous: optimal plant growth
STEP ONE - pond substrate - Big Bag - 1000 liters
- 1000 L covers 10 m² ↥ 10 cm
- Heavy duty quality for the best filtration
- Extra porous: optimal plant growth
Ready-made pond planting
Pond Crate with 3 water lilies - 4 crates - 15 - 25 m²
- For 15 - 25 m²
- 3 mature plants per crate
- Placement: -1 to -100 cm
Pond Crate with 12 aquatic plants - 4 crates - 7,500L - 12,500 L
- For 7,500L - 12,500L
- 12 mature plants per crate
- Placement: -1 to -20 cm
Pond Crate with 12 Oxygen Plants - 4 crates - 7,500 L - 12,500 L
- For 7,500 L - 12,500 L
- 12 mature plants per crate
- Placement: -1 to -80 cm