100% satisfaction guarantee

At vdvelde.com, we think your satisfaction is most important. That's why we always offer you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We want you to enjoy your clear, healthy pond every day. Something doesn't go as planned? Then we will find a solution together. With us, you are never alone.


Garden Center

Why choose vdvelde.com over a garden center?

Simple: at vdvelde.com we make sure you are always satisfied with your purchase. Our aquatic plants are grown especially for you grown in our own nursery. So we deliver fresh, strong plants that are 100% hardy and will last for years. At garden centers, plants are often on tables for weeks at a time and many species are not hardy. That means you have to buy new ones every year. Not so with us.

We offer you not only our 100% satisfaction guarantee, but also our unique 100% grow and bloom guarantee. Make a mistake when planting, or something doesn't grow the way you had hoped? No problem. We'll fix it! At a garden center, you're often just out of luck in such cases.

At vdvelde.com you are assured of a good purchase!