Pond Shop

Tight pond

We understand how challenging it is to plant your reflection pond for the first time and transform it from an empty pool to a self-regulating, maintenance-free sleek pond.

Because a tight pond lacks plant groups such as aquatic plants and marsh plants, additional oxygen plants are a must to keep the pond balanced.

Our Complete Tight Pond underwater plants Packages prevent problems such as excessive algae formation, poorly growing plants, and bottom silt.

Pond 3,000 - 6,000 L forTight pond after
Because a tight pond lacks plant groups such as aquatic plants and marsh plants, additional oxygen plants are a must to keep the pond balanced and prevent algae formation. By following this step-by-step plan, you will enjoy a clear and healthy tight pond year-round without the use of a pump, filter or water improvers.
Placing the right amount of plants in the pond makes it easy to achieve biological balance and clear pond water: PUUR NATURE, without a pond pump, filter or the use of water improvers.

Simon van der Velde

Pond specialist and aquatic plant breeder

Complete Tight Pond underwater plants

To properly set up your sleek pond in one go. Each package contains the minimum number of plants For a biologically balanced pond. All pond plants are hardy, come from our own nursery and we always give 100% growth and flowering guarantee.

Tip: More oxygen plants in your pond is always better. Too few plants increases the risk of algae and plant death. If necessary, in addition to the package, choose some beautiful water lilies from our pond shop.

Complete Tight Pond underwater plants Package - M - 500 - 1,250 L

- For 500 - 1.250 L
- 48 plants + Substrate
- Placement: -1 to -80 cm

Original price was: 400.00.Current price is: 299.95.

In stock

Complete Tight Pond underwater plants Package - L - 1,500 - 3,000 L

- For 1.500 - 3.000 L
- 100 plants + Substrate
- Placement: -1 to -80 cm

Original price was: 740.00.Current price is: 579.95.

In stock

Complete Tight Pond underwater plants Package - XL - 3,500 - 6,000 L

- For 3.500 - 6.000 L
- 200 plants + Substrate
- Placement: -1 to -80 cm

Original price was: 1,430.00.Current price is: 1,049.95.

In stock

Complete Tight Pond underwater plants Package - XXL - 6,500 - 9,000 L

- For 6.500 - 9.000 L
- 305 plants + Substrate
- Placement: -1 to -80 cm

Original price was: 2,065.00.Current price is: 1,564.95.

In stock

Mirror Pond underwater plants Package

Ideal for a mirror pond with a substrate soil or natural pond without liner. Our aquatic plants packages contain everything needed for a healthy, clear and sleek pond. All plants are hardy and we always give a 100% growth and flowering guarantee.

P.S. do you have a new pond with foil or a tank and no pond substrate on the bottom yet?

Mirror Pond underwater plants Package - M - 500 - 1,250 L

- For 500 - 1,250 L
- 48 plants
- Placement: -1 to -80 cm

Original price was: 300.00.Current price is: 219.95.

In stock

Mirror Pond underwater plants Package - L - 1,500 - 3,000 L

- For 1,500 - 3,000 L
- 100 plants
- Placement: -1 to -80 cm

Original price was: 540.00.Current price is: 419.95.

In stock

Mirror Pond underwater plants Package - XL - 3,500 - 6,000 L

- For 3,500 - 6,000 L
- 200 plants
- Placement: -1 to -80 cm

Original price was: 1,130.00.Current price is: 809.95.

In stock

Mirror Pond underwater plants Package - XXL - 6,500 - 9,000 L

- For 6,500 - 9,000 L
- 305 plants
- Placement: -1 to -80 cm

Original price was: 1,665.00.Current price is: 1,244.95.

In stock

Tight pond pond check

Would you like to choose your own plants?

Start with one of Simons pond kits and add your favorite plants, or easily put together your own mirror pond kit. Visit our sleek pond checkout page with all options and individual plants.

Pond Advice

Simon van der Velde

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