Types aquatic plantsChris van der Velde2024-12-09T15:25:12+01:00 aquatic plants Types aquatic plants View our full range aquatic plants, easy to order online. All our plants are organic grown in our own nursery and delivered directly from there. In addition, all aquatic plants are hardy and we always offer a 100% growth and flowering guarantee. Oxygen Plants All oxygen plants water soldier elodea densa hornwort Marimo parrot feather Needlewort mares tail dwarf hairgrass pond weed Vallisneria water lilies All water lilies Blue water lily cape water lily Dark red water lily White water lily Red water lily Pink water lily Yellow water lily White dwarf water lily Red dwarf water lily Orange dwarf water lily Yellow dwarf water lily Sumpfpflanzen All Sumpfpflanzen All Iris Black lis Sumpf schwertlilie Blue lis White lis Pink lis Dwarf glade creeping jenny sarracenia marsh anemone False marsh anemone Marsh forget-me-not purple loosestrife water mint marsh marigold calla lily Beekpunge aquatic plants All aquatic plants flowering rush great reedmace pickerel weed Pink pickerel weed White pickerel weed horsetail plant sweet flag golden club Reed Lotus All lotus Pink lotus White lotus blue lotus Floating Plants Rafting frogbit Waternut