aquatic plants

Types aquatic plants

View our full range aquatic plants, easy to order online. All our plants are organic grown in our own nursery and delivered directly from there. In addition, all aquatic plants are hardy and we always offer a 100% growth and flowering guarantee.

Oxygen Plants

Loose oxygen plants
Coarse hornwort - 2 liters - Ceratophyllum Demersum
marimo moss ball - 5 pieces - Cladophora aegagropila
Baskets of oxygen plants
Needlewort - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Crassula Recurva
mares tail - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Hippuris Vulgaris
dwarf hairgrass - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Eleocharis Acicularis
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water lilies

blue lotus blue water lily pond plant
cape water lily - Aponogeton Distachyos
Nymphaea Dark red water lily
White Water Lily - Nymphaea Alba
Red Water Lily - Nymphaea Attraction
Pink Water Lily - Nymphaea Pink Opal
Yellow Water Lily - Nymphaea Marliacea Chromatella
Mini Water Lily - White - Nymphaea Pygmaea Alba
Mini Water Lily - Red - Nymphaea Pygmaea Rubra
Mini Water Lily - Salmon - Nymphaea Pygmaea Aurora
Mini Water Lily - Yellow - Nymphaea Pygmaea Helvola


All Irises
Black Lis - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Iris Louisiana Black Gamecock
flag iris - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Iris Pseudacorus
Baskets of filter plants
White Lis - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Iris Kaempferi White
Pink Lis - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Iris Laevigata Rose Queen
Dwarf Pondweed - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Typha Minima
creeping jenny - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Lysimachia Nummularia
marsh anemone - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Houttuynia Cordata Chameleon
False marsh anemone - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Anemopsis Californica
Marsh forget-me-not - Mysotis Palustris - 4 pieces
purple loosestrife - Lythrum Salicaria - 4 pieces
water mint - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Mentha Aquatica
marsh marigold - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Caltha palustris
White calla lily - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Zantedeschia Aethiopica
Brook spike - Veronica Beccabunga - 4 pieces.

aquatic plants

flowering rush pond plant
pickerel weed Pink - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Pontederia Cordata Pink Pons
pickerel weed White - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Pontederia Cordata Alba
horsetail plant - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Equisetum Japonicum
Pied sweet flag - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Acorus Calamus Variegatus


Hardy Blue Water Lily + 4 Lotuses
Nutrition and Instructions
White Lotus - Nelumbo - 2 pieces
blue lotus blue water lily pond plant

Floating Plants

Float fern - Salvinia Natans
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