Nature-friendly bank
We understand how challenging it is to construct and plant a nature-friendly bank for the first time so that it is transformed from an empty filter to a self-regulating and maintenance-free nature-friendly bank. With our pond plant packages , we are happy to help you set up banks properly from the start to prevent future pond problems.
Nature-friendly bank planting
When landscaping your nature-friendly bank, it is important to choose plants that can handle both wet and dry periods because of the changing conditions along the water's edge. The plants in our packages are tailored to this and are therefore ideal for use along banks.
Nature Friendly Shoreline Plants Package - M - 1 - 2 m²
- 30 plants for 1 - 2 m²
- Biodiversity riparian plants
- Placement: -1 to -20 cm
Nature Friendly Shoreline Plants Package - L - 3 - 4 m²
- 60 plants for 3 - 4 m²
- Biodiversity riparian plants
- Placement: -1 to -20 cm
Nature Friendly Shoreline Plants Package - XL - 8 - 12 m²
- 180 plants for 8 - 12 m²
- Biodiversity riparian plants
- Placement: -1 to -20 cm
Nature Friendly Shoreline Plant Package - XXL - 16 - 24 m²
- 360 plants for 16 - 24 m²
- Biodiversity riparian plants
- Placement: -1 to -20 cm
Constructing nature-friendly shoreline
A nature-friendly bank contributes to biodiversity, water quality and natural water storage. Follow this roadmap to build a sustainable and effective shoreline.

Building your own wadi in 5 steps
- Step 1: Choose the right location
- Step 2: Design the shoreline with depth zones
- Step 3: Preparing the soil
- Step 4: Earthworks
- Step 5: Planting
Step 1: Choose the right location
- Analyze the environment: Determine where a nature-friendly bank will have the most impact, such as along ditches, ponds or streams.
- Consider water flow: Choose a location with not too much surge or current to allow plants to become established.
- Check the soil: Make sure the subsoil is suitable for plant roots and water infiltration (e.g., clay, sand or peat).
Step 2: Design the shoreline with depth zones
- Create a rolling transition: Create a gentle slope of at least 1:3 (1 meter drop per 3 meters length). This facilitates access for plants and animals.
- Depth variation: Provide different zones:
- Dry zone: Upper ground edge, suitable for flowering riparian plants.
- Moist zone: Just above and below the water line for plants that tolerate wet feet.
- Shallow zone: Up to 30 cm water depth, ideal for aquatic plants such as flag iris and swamp forget-me-not.
Step 3: Preparing the soil
- Remove obstacles: Remove stones, debris and old vegetation that interfere with planting.
- Tillage: If necessary, enrich the soil with a nutrient-rich topsoil (no fertilizer) to encourage the growth of native plants.
- Use geotextile: Consider a layer of geotextile to prevent erosion, especially on steeper banks.
Step 4: Earthworks
- Excavation: Remove existing soil to create a natural slope.
- Water level matching: Ensure that the water level remains consistent during construction so that the targeted areas are visible.
- Erosion protection: If necessary, install temporary shoring or coir mats to prevent embankment erosion.
Step 5: Planting
- Choose native plants: Use plants that fit the local ecology, such as reed canary grass, great reedmace or marsh marigold.
- Plant according to zones: Place plants in the appropriate depth zone to prevent drowning or desiccation.
- Timing: Plant preferably in spring or early summer so that the plants have sufficient time to take root.
With a nature-friendly bank, you work the edge of the pond nicely and provide a safe place for various pond animals. Nature-friendly banks are also animal-friendly banks because they allow pond animals to easily get from the water onto the land and vice versa.
Others bought this for their nature-friendly shoreline
Simons Pond Advice Book
- Choose your language of the book
- Complete pond handbook
- 100+ pages from construction to maintenance
STEP ONE - pond substrate - 40 liters
- 40 L covers 1 m² ↥ 5 cm
- Heavy duty quality for the best filtration
- Extra porous: optimal plant growth
Helophyte Planting Package - XL - 8 - 12 m²
- 180 plants for 8 - 12 m²
- Helophyte filter plantings
- Placement: -1 to -20 cm
parrot feather & conifer - 96 plants - 8 - 12 m²
- For 8 - 12 m²
- 96 plants
- Placement: -1 to -20 cm
White Water Lily - Nymphaea Alba
- Large water lily
- Full-grown height: 10 cm
- Placement: -10 to -100 cm
- For 1,000 to 20,000 L
- 100% eco: clear water fast
- Safe for humans, plants & animals
Constructing nature-friendly shoreline
- Create a gradual transition from water to land by excavating an embankment. This does take some land.
- The slope of the embankment is a maximum of 1 in 3, but preferably flatter.
- The slope extends to at least 30 cm above the waterline.
- The slope above water is at least 1 meter wide.
- The slope starts at least 50 cm below the water level, preferably deeper.
- The underwater slope is at least 1.5 meters wide.
- The underwater shoring remains 10 cm below the lowest water level (winter level).
- For water depth less than 50 cm, create a bank with a slope of 1 in 5.
Nature-friendly bank planting
- flowering rush (Butomus Umbellatus)
- pickerel weed (Pontederia Cordata)
- flag iris (Iris Pseudacorus)
- water mint (Mentha Aquatica)
- great reedmace (Typha latifolia)
How wide can a nature-friendly bank be?
- Create a faint underwater slope with a slope of 1:4 or flatter.
- Provide a top water slope with a slope of 1:2 or flatter.
- The underwater slope must be at least 2 meters wide.