Insect-friendly plants
Insect-friendly aquatic plants turn your pond into a vibrant ecosystem full of bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects. With special bee plants and butterfly plants , you create a natural attraction that attracts insects and enhances biodiversity. So you enjoy a healthy, thriving pond full of life.
Pond Plant Set - Insect Friendly aquatic plants
- Combi set
- 12 plants
- Placement: -1 to -20 cm
flowering rush - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Butomus Umbellatus
- Aquatic plant
- Full-grown height: 80 cm
- Placement: -1 to -20 cm
water mint - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Mentha Aquatica
- Mint scented marsh plant
- Full-grown height: 60 cm
- Placement: -1 to -10 cm
flag iris - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Iris Pseudacorus
- Marsh plant
- Full-grown height: 80 cm
- Placement: -1 to -10 cm
marsh marigold - 4 pieces - 1 Pond Basket - Caltha palustris
- Striking, yellow aquatic plant
- Full-grown height: 40 cm
- Placement: -1 to -10 cm
Frequently Asked Questions

Although the names are similar, butterfly plants and butterfly bushes are different plants belonging to different genera. Butterfly plant is a collective term for different types of plants that attract butterflies. These plants can be either perennials or annuals, and can have flowers of different colors and shapes. Examples of butterfly plants include Rudbeckia, Echinacea, Salvia and Verbena. A butterfly bush, also known as Buddleja, is a green and deciduous shrub that attracts butterflies with its fragrant and colorful flowers. The flowers of butterfly bushes are often oblong in shape and grow in different colors, such as purple, pink, white, yellow and orange.
The butterfly bush and the butterfly plant both have similar needs when it comes to planting. It is important for both to plant them in a sunny spot with occasional shade. In doing so, it is important to place the pond plant in a moisture-permeable soil, also water the plants regularly in the process. To keep the butterfly bush and butterfly plant blooming long and rich and healthy throughout the spring, it is advisable to give the plants extra nutrition. This helps them to grow and bloom even faster.
Butterfly bushes are generally hardy and can tolerate cold temperatures and frost well. Some species butterfly plants are also hardy, while others are more sensitive to cold temperatures and frost. It is therefore important to check which specific species are suitable for your climate zone before planting them. It is also advisable to properly protect plants from extreme cold, strong winds and excessive humidity during the winter.
Top 10 butterfly-attracting pond plants:
1. flowering rush
2. flag iris
3. water mint
4. Pink Lis
5. pickerel weed purple
6. Blue Lis
7. creeping jenny
8. White Lis
9. pickerel weed pink
10. pickerel weed white
These pond plants help attract butterflies and other insects such as bees to your pond and keep the biological balance of your pond intact. They also keep the water in the pond clear and balanced.
butterfly plants and butterfly bushes are plants that need heat to bloom, therefore it is recommended to plant the plants in spring.
bee plants
Good bee plants are not only attractive to bees, but also have other useful properties. Take, for example, our bee-catching pond marsh plants: these plants naturally purify the water, keeping it clear. This promotes the growth and flowering of other pond plants. The colorful flowers of these plants produce nectar, which attracts bees and other beneficial insects. With a sufficient number of these marsh plants in the pond, we help support bees in their search for food.
Which pond plants attract bees?
The following top 10 pond plants are particularly attractive to bees:
- flowering rush
- Sumpf schwertlilie
- water mint
- Pink Lis
- Purple pickerel weed (swamp hyacinth)
- Blue Lis
- creeping jenny
- White Lis
- Pink pickerel weed
- White pickerel weed (swamp hyacinth)
These plants attract not only bees, but also other beneficial insects such as butterflies to your pond. They play a crucial role in maintaining the biological balance in your pond and help keep water levels stable.
While bee plants are excellent bee attractors, there are also numerous other plants that attract bees to various types of ponds or gardens. For an aquatic plant, often the larger and more colorful the flower, the more attractive it is to bees. If these flowers also have a strong scent, this can attract even more bees. This is because bees are constantly looking for nectar and such flowers are often rich in nectar. The flowering rush is a perfect example of such a plant found in sunny areas. Just make sure your plants provide enough space and are not overgrown so that bees can nest easily.
Bee-friendly garden plants
- Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Spire' (Giant lavender)
- Verbena bonariensis (Yarrow)
- Stachys byzantina (Gentoo)
- Echinacea purpurea (Red sunflower)
- Salvia nemorosa (Sage)
- Agastache 'Blue Fortune' (Licorice plant / Aniseed nettle)
- Clethra alnifolia 'Pink Spire'
Although these plants are known as true bee attractors, there are numerous other plants that can also attract bees to your garden or pond. Especially aquatic plants with large, colorful flowers are attractive to bees. Moreover, if these flowers have a strong scent, their attraction becomes even greater. The reason for this is that bees are constantly looking for nectar, and flowers that are rich in nectar and meet these criteria are very popular with these beneficial insects. A perfect example of such a bee attracting plant is the flowering rush.
aquatic plants With flowers that lure bees
Not only are these plants beautiful and fragrant, they also provide an essential source of food for bees and numerous other insects. It is for this reason that these aquatic plants are known for their biodiversity promoting function.
Flowers for butterflies and bees
butterfly plants
butterfly plants, also known as butterfly bushes or Buddleja, are plants known for their attraction to butterflies. They belong to the genus Buddleja and are native to parts of Asia, Africa and America. butterfly plants are prized for their beautiful flowers and their ability to attract butterflies and other pollinators. If you're looking for a butterfly plant for the pond, swamp plants and water lilies are really for you. This is because they have large, colorful flowers with nectar that are loved by butterflies and also keep the pond water balanced with their filtering and algae-avoiding function.
The importance of butterfly plants
butterfly plants, also known as nectar- and pollen-rich plants, play a crucial role in supporting butterfly populations and promoting pollination in nature. These plants are specifically designed to attract butterflies and provide abundant food sources in the form of nectar and pollen. In addition to their appeal to butterflies, butterfly plants also contributes to biodiversity by providing habitat for other pollinating insects, such as bees and bumblebees. In addition, they play a role in maintaining natural ecosystems by promoting the reproduction and spread of plant species. By planting butterfly plants in your garden or outdoor space, you can make a valuable contribution to preserving butterflies and promoting a healthy ecological balance.
Marsh plants and water lilies as butterfly attractants
Butterflies are attracted to plants primarily because of the nectar and pollen they provide. Nectar is a sweet liquid produced by flowers that serves as a food source for butterflies. Pollen is a fine powder that contains the male reproductive cells of flowers and provides essential nutrients for butterfly larvae. If you want to attract butterflies to your pond while maintaining a clear and balanced pond, marsh plants and water lilies are ideal. These plants attract bees to the pond and contribute to ecological balance, while also providing a food source and resting place for butterflies. By introducing marsh plants and water lilies to your pond, you create an attractive and welcoming environment for butterflies, while promoting the health and balance of your pond.
What types of butterfly bushes are there?
The most common and beautiful butterfly bushes are: Buddleja davidii 'Santana', Buddleja davidii 'Les Kneale', Buddleja davidii 'Summer Beauty', Buddleja davidii 'Buzz Sky Blue', Buddleja × weyriana 'Sungold', Buddleja davidii 'Blue Horizon' and Buddleja alternifolia.