aquatic plants


Brook spike is a hardy native riparian plant often used as a ground cover to naturally line the pond edge.

Note: To be ordered as a pre-order! Delivery April 2025.

Brook spike - Veronica Beccabunga - 4 pieces.

- Filtering bottom creeper
- Full-grown height: up to 50 cm
- Placement: -1 to -20 cm


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Frequently Asked Questions

Pond Advice

The brook spike grows creeping and averages 5 to 20 cm in height. The plant covers the soil with a dense carpet of fresh green leaves and light blue flowers.

Brook spurge grows well at a water depth of -1 cm to a maximum of -20 cm. It also grows well in moist soil along the pond edge or in a marsh zone.

Yes, the brook spike is an excellent ground cover. It grows creepingly and forms a dense carpet covering bank edges. This helps prevent erosion of the bank.

Yes, brookrunge is a hardy native aquatic plant found on the banks of ditches and ponds.

No, the brook spike is low maintenance. Prune the plant occasionally if it gets too big and remove old leaves in the spring. The plant is hardy and comes back every year.

Brook spunge, Veronica beccabunga: a natural water purifier

Brook spunge, Veronica beccabunga, is low maintenance, versatile and ideal for ponds, contributes to natural water purification.

Where does Beekpunge grow?

Beekpunge is found in wet, moist environments such as stream edges, marshes and wet meadows. In the Netherlands, this plant is common along streams and ditches, and is also suitable for a moist spot in the garden.

Characteristics of Veronica beccabunga

This perennial has succulent, bright green leaves and creeping stems that spread easily. Small blue flowers appear in spring and summer, adding a subtle charm to the plant. Brook spike can grow both partially submerged in water and on moist soil.

Benefits of Brookpunge in the garden

Brookpunge not only looks beautiful, but also provides habitat for a variety of aquatic animals and insects. The plant helps purify water and can contribute to the natural balance in ponds and streams.

Disadvantages of this plant

Although Beekpunge has few drawbacks, it can become dominant in some conditions. It is important to keep its growth in check, especially in smaller water features or ponds.

Care and maintenance of Beekpunge

  • Location and soil preference.
    Brook spike grows best in wet or moist soils, and can be placed in both full sun and partial shade.
  • Water Requirements
    This plant is ideal for wet areas and has a constant need for moisture.
  • Pruning and maintenance.
    Regular pruning helps regulate the growth of Beekpunge and keeps the plant from expanding too far.
  • Winter hardiness and overwintering
    Veronica beccabunga is well resistant to cold and does not need additional protection in winter.
  • Nutrition and fertilization.
    Brookpunge generally does not need additional fertilization; it gets enough nutrients from the moist soil and water.


Brookpunge is perfect for people who want a simple and beautiful plant for wet spots in the garden. This plant is not only beautiful to look at, but also helps nature. It is strong and fits well with ponds or wet garden spots. But beware, it can sometimes grow too much in small water areas.

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